Space Time Mind

Philosophy, Science, and a Bunch of Other Stuff

SpaceTimeMind is a podcast by Pete Mandik (William Paterson University; Philosophy and Psychology) who talks with his guests about philosophy, science, and a whole bunch of other stuff.


Merch! It exists; it is available; I’m here to tell you about it. There are THREE flavors of SpaceTimeMind merch, and they’re all available in my RedBubble shop linked here: LINK.

The three flavors of SpaceTimeMind merch.

The three flavors of SpaceTimeMerch: Logo, Cowboy, and Jellyfish.

Go hog wild. Get a teeshirt. Or some coffee mugs. Stickers, even. Proceeds go to pay for keeping the podcast casting (which mostly is just web hosting fees).

If you score some cool SpaceTimeMind merch, be sure to tell us about it here or on twitter! And if you’d rather help financially without also receiving cool merch, head on over to our support page and mash on the DONATE button over there. Thank you!

DIY Inceptionism

The Google research team has released the code for the inceptionism artificial neural network image processing that we discuss in Episode 28. Download the code packages HERE. If that seems like too much, you can play around with a browser-based implementation HERE.

Here's the inceptionized SpaceTimeMind logo:


And here's the inceptionized version of the Episode 28 show art:

And finally, check out this cool video my Memo Akten:


#deepdream #inceptionism