Episode 21: Three Men and a Baby Universe (with Sean Carroll)
Episode Notes and Links
Physicist Sean Carroll joins philosophers Richard Brown and Pete Mandik on the SpaceTimeMind podcast to discuss, for example: anti-intellectual academics; intelligent design and fine tuning; entropy, decoherence, and the arrow of time, baby Benjamin-Button universes; Boltzmann brains; lambda cold dark matter; many worlds; disappearing worlds; interacting worlds. And much much more!
(Audio for this episode is drawn from the video chat viewable here: @YouTube.)
- Sean’s anti-Boltzmann-brains papers @PreposterousUniverse
- Measure for Measure: Quantum Physics and Reality - panel discussion including David Albert, Sean Carroll, Sheldon Goldstein, Ruediger Schack, and moderator Brian Greene @YouTube
- Tim Maudlin - "What Bell Did" - @arXiv - @YouTube